1 Evil worship. 2 Workers mistreated. 3 Strife. 4 Injustice. 5 Oppression. 6 Selfishness, greed. 7 Letting people starve! 8 Indifference.
“They seem eager to know my ways, AS IF THEY WERE a nation that does what is right.” (58:2)
“… TO SHARE your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter…” (58:7)
II) GREAT HOPES! (USA Needs These)
1 Light. 2 Healing. 3 God’s protection. 4 Answered prayer. 5 Prosperity. 6 Rebuilding. 7 Joy!
“Then … your healing will quickly appear; Then you will call, and THE LORD WILL ANSWER.” (58:8)
(It’s short. Go see!)
(Short articles on Isaiah 58)
( 18 )